Posted by: michellefierro | November 4, 2007

Into the Wild

Yesterday I caught a matinée of Into the Wild, near my house. I was very low energy and just feeling kind of blah, so the film really affected me. To be honest, it’s a little long. But just when I felt the tension dissipate, the ending came along and knocked me out, it was so intense. Even though I’ve read the book several times, so I know the ending, it still packed a wallop.

What I recall most is the cinematography, which was stunning, Emile Hirsch’s lovely performance; when he sees the caribou? running and his eyes well up with tears. Just perfect. Hal Holbrook. Hal Holbrook. Hal Holbrook. He broke my heart. The music fit perfectly and the story, which I’m sure everybody knows by now is really a quest and I certainly could and can identify with it. Some people are searchers, while others don’t feel that need to question and look. Christopher McCandless was definitely a searcher.

So I guess I feel sad after the film but hopeful and full of the fire that comes from seeing a piece of art.


  1. I loved this film! I didn’t know the story of Chris McCandless until hearing about Sean Penn’s project. I was inspired to read the book after seeing the movie. The film and book were very moving!

    This is one DVD I will be buying as soon as it comes out.

    I’d also like to see this documentary:

  2. I am reluctant to see the movie because I know the ending … but maybe it is still worth seeing. On dvd with company and wine. Thanks for the review.

  3. Now I have to see this film. Oh, didn’t you get some snow yesterday? Stay warm, woman!


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